Materials: Paper strips in four colors equal to the number of participants, placed in a basket. Four sheets of paper in the same colors with 5 or more get-to-know-you questions on each.
- Prepare a list of questions for each color. Set this up ahead of time or, if time allows, involve the group in coming up with the questions.
- Sitting in a circle, the first person holds the basket and pulls a strip of colored paper. They choose a question to answer from the list associated with that color, and then pass the basket to the next participant.
- Go all the way around the circle.
Possible questions:
- What’s one thing you love to do and why?
- What’s one thing you love about your life and why?
- Tell us about a time when you felt proud of yourself.
- What’s one quality you bring to your friendship and how does that show up?
- What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?
- What’s one thing you like about where you live?