Your contribution to Partners for Youth Empowerment (PYE) reaches across the globe and helps us to activate the creativity, social emotional resilience, and sense of purpose in young people.
Donations support the development and delivery of our training curricula, online workshops, and creative resources for our partners and the public. Importantly, your gift to PYE makes our work accessible to educators, youth workers, social artists and others traditionally underpaid for their services.
1. Make a Credit Card Donation
Our online donation site allows you to securely give a one-time or monthly gift with any major credit card.
2. Make a Gift by Mail
Checks made payable to Partners for Youth Empowerment can be mailed to Partners for Youth Empowerment, PO Box 316, Bolinas, CA 94924, USA.
3. Double Your Impact with a Corporate Matching Program
Your gift to PYE could be matched dollar for dollar by your employer! Many companies will match charitable contributions or volunteer hours as part of their philanthropic efforts. Take advantage of your employee match program or connect with us at to add Partners for Youth Empowerment to your employer’s list of qualifying nonprofits.
4. In Kind Donations
We welcome in-kind gifts of event food, art supplies, and training space to support our work. Please contact us to learn more.
Tax Receipts
- US donations receive a tax receipt.
- PYE is a program of Commonweal and contributions are acknowledged as a tax-deductible donation to Commonweal, a registered 501(c)3 US nonprofit organization in California: Tax ID 94-2366094