Junk items like plastic bottles, aluminum food containers, rubbers bands, string, cardboard tubes, used up pens, paper clips, gravel, broken balloons, etc.
- Participants choose what they want from the pile you provide. It there is time, they can go on a walk together to find their own junk items.
- They then combine whatever they find into an instrument that makes a unique sound. They can work in pairs or small groups to share ideas, but everyone should end up with their own instrument.
- Form a circle, and walk together to a leisurely beat.
- Someone begins by making a repetitive sound with their instrument.
- Go around the circle, with each person adding a repetitive sound to the circle.
- Once the last person has added their sound, the first person changes their rhythm and you go around the circle again.
- Remind the group to keep the beat, keep listening to each other, and to leave enough silence so that each sound can be heard.
- Connect your debrief questions to your purpose for the activity.