Equipment: a bag of random rocks that fit into the hand. You can replace rocks with a variety of leaves, twigs or other objects from nature.
- Place the rocks in the middle of the group
- Invite each person choose one. Spend at least ten minutes getting to know the rock. Notice its color, texture, shape, weight, smell etc.
- Put them all back into the bag and mix them up. Pour them out again.
- Notice how long it takes each person to find their rock.
- Go around the circle and ask each person to introduce their rock. They can name the rock or talk about it in any way they want.
- Do all rocks look the same?
- How did your perception of your rock change as you spent time with it?
- How did your feeling about your rock change as you spent time with it?
- How easy or difficult was it to find your rock again?
- How did introducing your rock make you feel about it?
- What might this mean about people, places, or ideas?